Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech Shooting Live Thread

Other posters feel free to add, subtract, etc...

8:50 p.m.: CNN says it was not a student of Va Tech but still no identification and still not certain it was only one killer.
MSNBC TV says it is a Chineese national and are calling it an act of terrorism- doesn't say anything about that on their website coverage.
Facebook memorial group down/not down/down again- up again (38,732 members).

Not many details coming out of Blacksburg, yet.
Professor put webcam out window so his students locked inside a class could see what was going on outside of building.
Killer in boyscout type uniform?
Still another shooter on the loose? (Lost link)
Student interview - pretended to be dead

BBC News Accounts from Va Tech

There's a Wikipedia page up already with many links

A blog I saw linked on Josette's Facebook post
Message board from her post
Another -this one had Live Blogging earlier in the morning from Va. Tech

Guy shot in arm calling from hospital

Facebook Group with discussion, tributes to fallen students

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