Thursday, April 26, 2007

Re: Kyle Williams trial

((See Jenny's note below about Google webmail survey))

10 p.m. update: WLFI story was wrong about deadlock on sixth count- he was acquitted on that one- one of the attempted rape charges.

7 p.m. update: Convicted of 5 counts - 4 felonies and 1 midemeanor. WLFI says jury was deadlocked on sixth charge... more to come...

6 p.m. update: Jury deliberating on one charge - have decided on 5 out of 6

The Exponent - Purdue's Student Newspaper

I've only been able to read about the happenings in the Kyle Williams trial, but it isn't looking too good for this former Boilermaker football player. I am sure that it won't be long before he is in jail... possibly New Castle?? No, that's supposed to be medium security. Is anyone getting tired of reading all of this bad crap about the football team every time they open the newspaper (go to their website)??? Shouldn't someone be held accountable? I have made it pretty clear what I think about Joe Tiller and every new negative story that comes out only increases my belief that he is not the right man for the job!! I'm sure he is trying to do something about cleaning up the program (I sure hope so!) but I would think he would be plastering himself all over the news and being the visible leader of the football program. He needs to go sit in front of the JC office, WLFI, the Exponent and talk their ears off until everyone in the entire world knows he is doing something about this. These little press releases that he puts out are ridiculous. He took the job. He took the responsibility. He is getting paid enough to be the bullet-proof vest standing in front of the program and protecting it from any negativity. He is not doing it. He is not making the program look good. And, there is someone else that should be standing right next to him... Morgan Burke. He should be doing the same for the whole athletic department. He is not doing it. I wonder how much the new president of Purdue is going to let get by... I have a feeling a new president is going to want to get things in order in the university's most visible department.

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Blogger luckeyfrog said...

I see your point, but unfortunately there are even professional sports teams whose PR is bad thanks to poor player conduct. Even when the coach tries to set standards, it's tough to overcome the new reputation-- the Cincinnati Bengals and all their drunk driving troubles as well as the Minnesota Vikings and their crazy cruise spring to mind.

5:55 PM  

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