Sunday, January 21, 2007

Is this campus safe?

SO, with the disappearance of Wade Steffey (Purdue updates) and the two reported assaults all on the same night, everyone is now wondering if campus is safe. I don't think so. With the recent happenings, you would think that it's not safe to be walking around on campus on a "party night": Thursday, Friday or Saturday. But, just look back to the Kyle Williams case and you can see that it isn't safe on any night of the week. And, as we are seeing, it isn't safe for men or women. I know we don't know what happened with Wade Steffey- he could have been a victim of something, he could have just taken off (let's hope that is the case!) but I do know that many people are thinking twice before walking anywhere at night. I hope there is a much larger police presence on campus at night from now on. I hope that people start going places in groups. There are a lot of people that are out "having fun" during the weekends but I hope that they start making safety plans before they head out for the evening. It may seem drastic but it needs to be done. If people are going out partying, they need to make sure there is a decent size group and that they all stick together. Designated drivers can now help save people from more than just DUI- they can save them from having to walk on dark and dangerous streets while being at less than full faculties. And, here is a big tip- a designated driver doesn't have to go to the party if they don't want to- if you know someone who will pick you up- then don't force them to go. Let them stay home and then you can call them when you and your friends are ready to be picked up (I know this for a fact because I can not go to a party or club where I have to be the designated driver and have to watch people acting like they do when they are partying- but will happily be a free taxi for friends if they ask me ahead of time) I know I've never thought much about campus safety, but maybe it is now time? If you are going anywhere on campus at night- please be safe!!



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