Friday, January 12, 2007

Mute Math/The Fray: my two cents before I pass out tonight

There were multiple reasons why I decided to go to the show and none of them were because I'm in love with The Fray. Frankly, the only songs of theirs I am familiar with are the two earbugs on constant replay on Top 40 station (actually, I didn't even know those were Fray songs until my little brother told me). However, I went hoping for a fun time if not great music.

But there was great music; it was from the opener, Mute Math. I have previously listened to 5 songs from their Reset EP that somehow found their way onto my iPod over the summer and figured them to be pretty decent. Their live show tonight completely exceeded my expectations and was entirely amazing. The passion they radiated when they sang and performed (particularly the percussion sequences) was infinitely more engaging than that of lead singer Isaac Slade of The Fray who seemed almost bored to be there. And from listening to those around me, I am not the only new fan that Mute Math rightfully earned tonight.

And The Fray? The whole time, I was half-convinced I was at a Panic! At the Disco concert and expected them to break into "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" at any moment. Since I didn't know any of their songs, they all seemed to blend together and there were multiple times when I just stood there with my eyes closed (not out of catharsis but of slight boredom and sleepiness as I had a 7:30 class that morning). That they started and ended their show with their two mega-hits, Over My Head and How to Save a Life, respectively, seemed to encompass how I feel their careers are heading (or not heading). Still, I admit the suspended-light-bulbs spectacle during that last song was very pretty and alluring.

Then again, I'm more than slightly fueled by bias against The Fray because I've heard stories of them being major divas since reaching mainstream success and that ain't cool. They didn't even comply with audience requests for an encore, hmph. I'm not exactly complaining about this, but shouldn't their number one concern be the contentment of their fans?!


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