Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Stupid Idiots... or, duh, it was supposed to snow??

I am on the verge of having a heart attack right now. I'm not sure if it is one thing or a combination of several things.

So, I just got back from class. When I got back from class, I had to shovel a path to the door and then over to a tree so I can take my dogs out to crap later. The front end of my car is buried in a drift in the parking lot. It wasn't too easy shoveling because it was up to my knee- and it is very densely packed snow. So, my heart is pounding from that. I'm shaky because I didn't have time to eat this morning before class because I had to dig my car out and clean it off before driving very slowly across town. I thought I'd grab something from a maching before class but it took so long to get there that I didn't have time. Both of these conditions, the heart beating too fast and the shakiness, are then multiplied by the fact that I am in total disbelief that they are just now calling off classes. I am not sure who is more irresponsible, the idiots that run Purdue who didn't know we were going to have a blizzard or the idiot professors that didn't cancel classes this morning? Oh yah, and what's with this closing until noon tomorrow thing?? Why noon? Just call it for the whole day because noon just makes no sense. 11:30 or 12:30 would make a little more sense. Noon is just retarded.

I had to have two classes this morning. The professors obviously don't care about being responsible. I am supposed to learn how to be a teacher from these people who could care less about their students? I think I threw my knee out on the way back to my car. And, for what?? To learn carp that we already had three semesters ago? That's bullshit, to quote someone profound...

It was nice when one of the students in my class pulled out her phone and said she was going to call her mom to ask her opinion of us being in class today, on her speakerphone no less..
Student: "Mom, I was just wondering what you think about me having to drive 6 miles, which took almost an hour in all of this snow, just to come sit in class for 3 hours?"
Mom: "It's BULLSHIT if you ask me!"
Class: dying laughing
Student: "OK, thanks mom, that's all I needed to know."

OK, so this post is a little scattered because that's how I am right now... I'll post a pic in a minute...



Blogger Dan said...

Aren't you an adult?

If you don't want to be in the position of having to drive across town during bad weather - live closer to campus! If think it isn't safe to be out - don't go!

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's about the dumbest comment anyone could ever make... I had to be responsible and go to class because the dumbasses in charge and the idiot professors were irresponsible and had class. If I weren't an adult, I would probably have not gone to class, which has a zero absence policy, and lost a letter grade. I'd probably also live closer to campus if I wanted to live in some loud, run down shit hole near all of the rest of the students...

2:29 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

So, you want it all. You want to live in a nicer neighborhood and have the University to make allowances because of it. Maybe you shouldn't take classes with a zero absence policy. (But my major requires this class!) Then pick a different major. (But this is what I want to learn.) Then move closer to campus!

Everything is based on choices you make.

3:46 AM  
Blogger luckeyfrog said...

I can see both sides- there are tradeoffs for anything. Living closer to campus is more expensive for a less nice apartment, but offers a lot of convenience.

Just remember that the professors most likely don't live on campus, either- so they jeopardized their own safety as well as yours. They may have not left early enough to cancel classes, they may not have thought the weather was that bad... who knows.

Also, Dan? I live on campus (in a residence hall), and the walk to my first class today would've been about 20 minutes. Even bundled up appropriately, 20 minutes in that weather isn't very safe. I could take the bus a little closer, but I'm just pointing out that weather can still be unsafe when living within walking distance of campus.

Let's be reasonable, guys- yes, it sucked getting to class and in an ideal world, professors would see that and cancel classes-- but sometimes it doesn't happen, and you have to deal with it. Until there are snow delays, at least! :)

7:55 PM  

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