Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Exponential: Shopping for university presidents? Here's a handy checklist!

[For those who have no idea what an Exponential is, here's an example from September 2001. Check out my awesome 9/10 mindset!]

You can boil down today's column by Opinions Editor Angie Zancanaro, "Editor's wish list for new Purdue president", into four points:

  • Don't stay holed up in HOVD 200 all the time

  • Do something about the lack of infrastructure upkeep, especially for the non-engineering buildings

  • Have some sense when it comes to spending fundraising cash

  • Could it kill you to teach a class?

  • Zancanaro's brief mention of Heavilon Hall doesn't even scratch the surface of problems the 50-year-old building is facing. I've heard about mold problems and water leaks, and that's just for starters. The number of academic buildings in similar states of disrepair is staggering if you think about it: Lilly Hall, Grissom Hall [though it did get a new roof this past summer], Wetherill Laboratory of Chemistry, ENAD], EE [ceiling tiles fell in EE 270 during a Shakespeare on Film lecture], the list goes on. And it's not like the State of Indiana is giving Purdue lots of cash to fix this because, well, they're kinda not. So why not spend some of that Campaign for Purdue money on a few buildings? I'm all for it.

    Monday, August 28, 2006

    Lawson Tour... OR... New Food Place!

    I decided to take a little tour through the Lawson Computer Science Building today to see what it was all about. It only took me a couple of seconds before I discovered that there was food in there! I may be a little slow, though- so, I'm sure others know about it already- but, I am excited about the possibility of having somewhere new to eat in the vicinity of Beering. So, if you don't already know, they have a little closet sized place called The Port that is a combination Freshens/Seattle's Finest that has smoothies, coffee(of course), sandwiches, and salads. It is right inside the front door. I think they only have the Smoothie part of the Freshen's menu, though.

    One of two doors into The Port. The sandwich board (tempting)

    The rest of the building was pretty impressive, but of course, no ITAP lab- so, I guess I really don't care too much about it. (OH YAH, Here is link with a Video Tour from the Exponent). I did see a lot of open areas where people could meet or collaborate. The main common area is real nice and the conference rooms are pretty cool- but you can see inside all of the conference rooms when walking by, which could be distracting.

    BTW- this post was made using Google's Writely.

    Truth or dare in the dining hall?

    No, I’m not talking about daring someone to eat the green pasta. I’m talking about full-on truth or dare being played by what appeared to be three freshman girls in the Earhart dining hall. I wasn’t aware that anything like that would ever go on until a super ditzy looking girl came over to the table I was sitting at and asked my friend and I, two guys, if she could ask us a question.

    “Uhm, sure.”

    “See, those two over there. Well, that one wanted me to ask if you have a tampon because she’s all out and doesn’t want to go get more.”

    “Oh, sorry, I’m fresh out.”

    As she walked back over to the table where they were all having a good laugh, I added “oh wait, I do have a used one that you can have.”

    So, yah, that was funny. Ha, ha. I’m happy for them. They kept going. I could hear a couple of racy truth questions but the answers were mumbled and then there was another dare and one of them said something about “I can’t go and do that. Who do you want me to do it to?”

    I had some studying to get to so I didn’t have time to sit around and see what THAT or who the victim was. I’m thinking there is a good chance that it could have been one of us at our table.

    Friday, August 25, 2006

    $emester Registration

    As of Monday, I was registered for a big fatty 0 credit hours. Goose-egg style. Zero.

    You can imagine my surprise, on my eighteenth -- and yes, I have counted, semesters and summers included -- trip through course registration, that I inexplicably wound up with zero freakin' credit hours for the Fall 06 semester. Whoops.

    I'm finishing my MA this semester, hopefully, and for the first time, I had no sit-down-shut-up-and-listen classes: just research hours for me. So, this was totally not Purdue's fault, and I don't want to insinuate that. It was totally ineptitude that led me to forget that I hadn't signed up for classes.

    I didn't realize until today that it was a big deal that I received absolutely no notification that I had zero credit hours. Not an automated email or phone call; not a personal email or phone call. Absolutely nothing from the University regarding my Zero Credit Hour Semester.

    What totally astonished me today, though, was that desipte receiving zero calls or emails for having no classes scheduled, for the fourth time today I received a phone call or email about how I hadn't paid my goddamn fees, and boy did they want to make sure they got their goddamn fees. Oh!, the voicemail told me, we will bend over backwards and jiggle here in Hovde Hall to get you to bring your personal check, cashier's check, or first-born son in order to get your fees settled up for the semester!! There will be clowns and balloons for the little tykes who we aren't sacrificing on the marble altar of the Bursar's Office this Glorious Day!

    It is just the teensy bit suspicious that I received no warnings as to my total lack of credit hours, but my God did they want to fix that relatively minor oversight of paying fees on time just as frickin' soon as I realized on my own that there was a MAJOR oversight of, you know, not having any goddamn classes!

    The moral of the story is 1) go ahead and be a little cynical; you'll be better off for it in the long run, and 2) for Purdue Pete's sake, don't be a dumb-ass like me -- register for your classes on time :)

    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    HTM Cafe Chocolate Chip Cookies

    HTM Cafe Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Originally uploaded by bloggingpurdue.

    OK- I know that Windsor often has some pretty darn good chocolate chip cookies. A lot can be said for those HUGE cookies over in Ford. But nothing beats the cookies in the HTM Cafe. They are incredible. But, I usually won't get one unless there is someone to share with because I am sure they aren't very -low cal with all of those chocolate chips.

    In case someone is seeing this and wonders what HTM Cafe is- it is the place to grab a quick, usually great, and usually not too expensive lunch when you are in the University/Mathews/Stone/Beering corner of campus. It is ran by the almost-overly-friendly folks in HTM (Hospitality and Tourism Management) and lunch runs until about 1 (although they were still serving at 2, today). Snacks are available until 4 and it is usually a good spot to get some quiet-ish studying in (but not from 11 to 1). Sandwiches are available every day and the hot menu changes from day to day. The PASTA BAR that they had today is to die for! More details available on their page (they also take Boiler Express!) ((I know that there is probably .6% chance that someone that would be reading this wouldn't know what HTM was but just in case... if I can help one person today... )


    Originally uploaded by bloggingpurdue.

    Brng = Boring - at least in the classes that I have in that building!

    But, they do have nice bathrooms...

    Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    First day self-portrait


    BTFU, yo.

    Pedestrian Peeve (How did you get in college, Pt 1)

    OK- So, I don't want to write something on here that is going to sound like some winey-ass person who writes in to the Exponent with some idiotic complaint- you, know, in fact, that there probably has already been 457 letters to the Exponent about this complaint- but, anyways- I won't write the Exponent or even write on here too much about it other than to say that I can not understand how someone can get into college ( a highly prestigious one like Purdue, for that matter ) and not understand the basic physics/some science/ of a car vs. a person. I am driving in my (let's say) 1000 pound vehicle at probably 35 miles per hour- you are walking in your (let's say) 165 pound body at about 9 miles per hour. If we hit- my car is not going to be hurt- at all- you, on the other hand, will be hurt. So, let's say for now on, you pay attention to where you are going and I won't pay attention to where you are going. And, having said that, if I run over your stupid ass- don't cry to me about it. It is no longer going to be my responsibility for watching where you walk. (This goes out to about 183 people that blatantly walked right out in front of my car over the last couple of days!)

    The Exponent Hot Coupon Deal Alert: Thank heavens for the Discount Den.

    Back in the day [i.e. when I didn't have as much of a courseload as I have now] I used to blog the living daylights out of The Exponent on a regular basis as a feature I termed Exponential. I don't have that kind of free time anymore, but I do enjoy having a bit of fun with the kids at 460. I'll call this feature The Exponent Hot Coupon Deal Alert.

    Some truly silly Discount Den coupons running in this week's Exponent offer 5 cent 1-subject notebooks, 5 cent highlighters & 25 cent Den Pops! Those of you who believe in 1-Subject Notebook Theory would do well to find a paper, then mosey down to Chauncey Hill Mall and stock up.

    I miss the Den's used CD selection, but it's okay as long as they keep the crazy deals coming.

    This is not a paid advertisement, and I have received no compensation for this post [except for a hot deal on a highlighter].

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    First post / I was just reminded...

    So cheers. Welcome new people. I've already cussed at you a bunch of times with your passing on the right and no-signal lane changes; the summer's-over spastic, seizure-like free for all you so love to have on our labyrithian roadways. Like a bunch of shitheads! But welcome anyway. You keep that McDonalds on Northwestern going strong, and that may well be one singular feat which is altogether more than I can profess to offer the local economy!

    I'm writing to-day to introduce a simple point which many people mess up, and, as a townie, really sets me off.

    If you don't know which of the "twin cities" (as some people refer to the Greater Lafayette-West Lafayette Metropolitan Area and Surrouding Communities) you are in, I have a very simple metric which will help you decide:

    1. Which city (Lafayette or West Lafayette) do you most recently remember yourself being in?

    2. Did you cross a river on your travels to where you are now?

    If your answer to #1 is no, then you either missed the fact that you crossed over one of the major rivers involved in settling this country east of the Mississippi, or you are still in the same city to which you answered #1.

    If your answer to #2 is yes, then you are in the *other* city to which you answered #1.

    The Tippecanoe Mall and Purdue University are not in the same city. However, both Staley's* plants, along with Subaru, the Tipppecanoe County Fairgrounds and Lafayette Jefferson High School** are on the "east side" -- local lingo for Lafayette. Also note that Lafayette has "north" and "south" sides, too, which are all parts of Lafayette proper. Only the "west side" is a separate city, which refers to the entirety of West Lafayette.

    If I see you on the street, I just might quiz you. And if either of us knew what the other one looked like, that just might matter. So be prepared accordingly.


    * - Archaic; now Tate & Lyle

    ** -- Jeff is the only Lafayette School Coropration high school. Confusingly, Tippecanoe School Corporation, which runs county schools, have a high school on both the "east side" (McCutcheon) and the "west side" (Harrison). The difference still stands, though; McCutcheon is across the river from campus and West Lafayette -- however, you can drive from campus to Harrison without crossing a river, thus, it's on the "west side".

    Monday, August 21, 2006

    Wilco at Elliot Hall Oct 4

    Wilco Promo Image

    BTW, if you somehow failed to notice (most likely from a lack of a pulse), Wilco is playing at Elliot Hall October 4th.


    Federal SMART Grant

    There is a new grant beginning this year for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) majors called the SMART (Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent) Grant. It’s good for up to US$2,000 per semester, and the requirements are basically 3rd or 4th year undergrad with a 3.0 or higher that qualifies for a Pell Grant and is taking at least 12 credit hours.

    Turns out, though, that the law that created the grant also states that if you have 120 or more credit hours then you no longer qualify. Which is total bullshit, since you need more than 120 credit hours to graduate in engineering. I don't know what other science majors require, but I’m willing to bet it’s more than 120. I know I’ll be writing to Senator Bayh to address this issue, because a lot of people are going to get cut off and not know why. For me, I’ve already got 108 credit hours, and I’m taking 12 this semster, so suddenly that two large is gonna disappear in the Spring.


    Sunday, August 20, 2006

    Wal-Mart, For Shame

    This is my first post on this site. I am glad to be a part of it. With different people blogging you get a chance to gain multiple views on the same university. I am excited to see other's posts as well as to see how far this develops. Post number one for me. You ready? Well, here we go. I bet your wondering why that picture is up there. Do you see anything wrong with it. Look at the sign, now look at what they are selling. Not that they are making some kind of assumption between alcohol and college. This was taken at the Wal-Mart right outside Purdue. I went there recently and I think they noticed they made some sort of error because the sign is now suspiciously absent. I thought you guys might enjoy the picture.

    On a completely different topic, I have to talk to you guys about this phenomenon. This kind of only applies to new freshman, but feel free to read on anyway. My roommate and I both experience(d) it, so I know it's not just me. There is always one person you see. You might not know them or even have talked to them, but where ever you go he/she is there. Think about it. I'm sure that person is popping into your head no problem. I can't explain it but I know it exits, maybe comment on this blog down below and tell me if I'm crazy or not. That's all for the first entry. I will try to post as much as I can when interesting things happen. Which are all the time. So keep checking back.

    Saturday, August 19, 2006

    Back on campus

    My “first day back” on campus:
    ¬ I sold my iPod over summer, was on campus for one day, and now have another iPod. Due to the massive amount of construction that is going on around campus in addition to the normal noisiness of the whole place, I can’t see myself walking around without the soothing sounds of Lupe Fiasco, Jesus Lizard or even the Scissor Sisters. I like to be in my own place and having my own music really helps out.

    ¬ I went around campus all last year and hardly ever saw anyone I knew. One day back and I have already run into at least nine people that I know.

    ¬ I wish Chipotle would have been finished before yesterday because they had the road down to one lane during the early morning rush, causing traffic to be backed up all the way to the river causing me to have to resort to the parking garage in order to not be late.

    ¬ There was a group of 7 people lined up against the fence over by Grissom Hall standing and watching a squirrel. As I was getting past them, one of the threw a hamburger bun to the squirrel and I hear a few “wows” as the squirrel grabbed it and ran towards the tree. It reminded me of the group who were stopped and watching two squirrels getting it on near the clock tower last year.

    With classes starting Monday ...Journal and Courier

    Entrepreneurs cater to returning students' needsJournal and Courier

    Residence director offers packing advice for incoming studentsPurdue Exponent

    Starting college life excites students, parentsPurdue Exponent

    Editor urges students to get involved earlyPurdue Exponent

    JonBenet Slay Suspect Returning To US Wood said camera crews and reporters followed Ramsey on Friday when he took his son, Burke, to Purdue University to start the college year.

    Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    Let the burrito wars begin!

    Let the burrito wars begin!
    Originally uploaded by bloggingpurdue.

    Qdoba is opening up just a few steps closer to campus than Chipotle. Some say they will still go to Moe's, instead.

    Monday, August 14, 2006

    Ten Things Every Purdue Student Needs

    An alarm clock: If you don't wake up in time to get to class, you will fail out of Purdue. It's just that simple. So get an alarm clock, or set the alarm on your cell phone, or program your television to turn on at a certain time. Do whatever you have to do to make sure you make it to class.

    Protip: Extra annoying alarm noises do work, and they also piss off everyone within a 5 mile radius if you accidentally leave it on when you go home for the weekend, so make sure you disable the alarm when it's not needed.

    A backpack/messenger bag: It goes without saying that a bag is essential, especially for off-campus students who can't run back home between classes. Everything you need for a day on the West Lafayette campus will have to fit inside your bag or else it gets left at home, and you'll be jamming a lot of stuff in your bag: wallets, keys, textbooks, notebooks, writing utensils, mini-staplers, calculators, snacks, water bottles, laptops, PDAs, light sabers, etc. Find a bag with tons of pockets and padded straps for additional storage and comfort. Expect to spend at least $50-100 on a decent bag, more if you're planning to laptop it up.

    Protip: Don’t buy something wimpy like you used in high school. This is the Big 10, and your bag needs to be as Big 10-caliber as you are. Get something durable that will last for your entire Purdue career.

    A notebook: I subscribe to the 5-Subject Notebook Theory of Note Taking. Why buy one huge notebook for all your classes instead of scoring a bunch of smaller 70ct notebooks at 10 cents a pop? Simple--only one notebook to remember to bring with you to campus! Plus, some of those fancy 5-subject notebooks have pockets for syllabi or returned quizzes. Save your folder/binder organization solution du jour for your desk at home. There won't be room in your bag with all the other random stuff that'll be crammed into it, unless you make room.

    Protip: Acquire a notebook with perforated pages and you don't have to carry loose-leaf paper around with you. Sweet.

    24-hour access to a computer: GREETS TO COMPUTER NERDS!!!!1

    Information Technology at Purdue [ITaP] operates several dozen instructional computing labs on campus. Sadly, only one is open 24 hours--that'd be MATH B10--but there are quite a few open until 2:00 AM. University Residences peepz have conveniently located mini-labs in each hall accessible with their room keys anytime. Off-campus people would be wise to locate the lab closest to their apartment and memorize the open hours. Branch out your horizons from STEW 102 and MTHW 116; there are other ITaP labs on campus, really. My personal favorite for printing out last-minute assignments is ENAD 426 [shhh, don't tell anyone]. Also, quite a few departments run their own computer labs, so if you score access to them, definitely take advantage.

    If you have your own desktop computer, you've saved yourself the experience of sitting in MATH B10 trying to write a paper at 3:00 AM on a Monday morning while surrounded by gamers pwning n00bs on CounterStrike ... unless you're into that kind of stuff and built your own totally awesome rig, in which case you should be rolling with the Purdue University Gamers Group. But I digress.

    There's also a growing Boilermaker laptop massive utilizing the Purdue Air Link all over campus 24/7/365. This year, ITaP is breaking out with the Purdue Mobile Learning Initiative, a program where you can buy a HP or Apple laptop complete with four years of on-campus technical support. I swear I am not making this up. Of course, if you want to rock a black MacBook or a Dell Inspiron with a Purdue skin, you'll have to ferret out a hot deal somewhere in the Internet tubes.

    Protip: Students can and do bring their laptops to lecture, but you should check with your instructor if it's okay to actually use it during class. Some are cool with it, and some are Luddites. Don't find out the hard way like the guy in my PSY 240 class who decided to play some music on his laptop within hearing range of the professor and got called out for it.

    A personal music player: Walkman, CD player, MP3 player, iPod Giganto, it really doesn't matter what you have as long as you have it for those times you're packed into the Silver Loop with everybody and their sorority sister and they're ALL on their cell phones. I dubbed my iPod "Josette's reality distortion field" for exactly this reason. Try studying in the Union without a soundtrack, I dare you.

    Protip: If your MP3 player has USB flash memory, you don't have to bring floppy disks to the labs to save your work anymore; that's one less thing to lose. Don't forget the USB cord, though. That would suck.

    A comfortable sweatshirt: Key for surviving crazy Indiana weather and an easy way to show pride in whatever you support, whether it be Purdue Engineering or City Name Sports Team. Last year I didn't even bother with a winter coat. Did I mention that Indiana weather is crazy? Sneak an umbrella into your backpack too, because you're gonna need it.

    Protip: Please don't buy a Purdue sweatshirt in those silly neon colors. AND ESPECIALLY NOT A RED PURDUE SWEATSHIRT, THAT IS A HUGE FAUX PAS. INFORMED.

    A date book/personal digital assistant: Another essential item in your educational arsenal, date books come in handy because trying to keep track of all your assignment due dates in your head is pure folly. Mortar Boards, a campus tradition with gobs of Purdue information packed into its pages, are available in two delicious sizes for you dead-tree fans. The list of PDA options is endless. I won't even try to recommend one.

    Protip: There are 230948203498092384 web sites that have calendaring/organization capabilities if you don't want to lay out cash to buy a PDA. Some of them will even text message your phone to remind you to go to class, like Backpackit. I heard the kids enjoy text messaging.

    A Facebook profile: Boiler Gold Rush is legendary for its networking opportunities, but Facebook runs a close second, especially for finding people in your classes. Setting up a profile is easy as pie. Put as little or as much information about yourself online as you want; privacy options can be jacked up in order to keep things on the down low. Also, finding and joining Facebook groups is one of the greatest study procrastination methods of the 21st century.

    Protip: Do you really want a future employer knowing you joined the "I Drink, I Party, And Damnit, I'm Awesome!!" group? Remember to set your profile to be viewed only by your friends before you start tossing resumes around. The Center for Career Opportunities has a seminar on Facebook and how it could affect your job search that you should check out if it’s offered again in the fall. Another good rule of thumb: don’t post anything on your profile you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of The Exponent.

    A cellular phone: You have to call your parents for money somehow, so why not call them while you're standing in the middle of the Memorial Mall? Camera phones are good, but a plan with free night & weekend minutes plus unlimited text messaging/Internet data is more gooder. Skip the whole “wearing a watch” thing by checking what time it is on your phone instead.

    Asking which cellular provider in the Lafayette-West Lafayette area is best can jump-start any conversation because everyone has an opinion on this topic, even people who don't have cell phones at all. For more complicated questions like "Does the Sidekick 3 have MMS capabilities?" or "Where are Cingular's towers located near campus?" go talk to the hardcore cell phone nerds at Howard Forums. [Hi Doug!]

    Protip: Spare everyone the embarrassment of your "Promiscuous" ring tone by turning your phone off before class starts.

    A source of cash flow: Get a job or get a credit card or get your parents to put you on their credit card or take out a student loan or win a scholarship. It goes without saying you'll need money for important things like buying textbooks at University Bookstore or Beach Clubs at Jimmy John's. In related news, watching student job listings on The Purdue Channel is hypnotic. Who knows? You might even find a job you like.

    Truly resourceful party people TiVo that sexy bitch Jim Cramer throwing chairs on "Mad Money" on CNBC and trade stocks during class breaks to raise funds. To those people I give this message: There are free copies of the Wall Street Journal in Krannert & Rawls if you know where to look. Also, please start a Purdue Mad Money Club so we can compete with IU in yet another area. Booyah, skeedaddy!

    Protip: Learn how to budget your cash. You'll thank yourself later.

    Did I forget something? Leave a comment with your suggestions.

    Sunday, August 13, 2006

    Only one week... before it hits the fan!

    So, I just got back from a kick-ass summer internship at Whirlpool Corp this summer, and I’ve only got a week to get prepared for school. I am taking a job this fall teaching at St Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, Indiana. I'll be teaching Photography and Graphic Design as one of two part-time adjunct instructors in the Art program there. As such, I am moving to 3/4 time and taking 9 credit hours.

    What I’d like to comment on is what I think is a bullshit policy at Purdue concerning going to school less than 12 credit hours. You see, in order to teach this semester, I decided to limit the classes I'm taking to 9 credit hours. Well, here’s the rub: if you only go 3/4 time, financial aid only gives you about 3/4 of what you would normally get going full-time (which is 12 credit hours). However, Purdue is going to charge me full-time fees. In what fucking world does that make sense? La-La-Land? No, apparently this is fairly common at college campuses across the nation.

    Here’s a little numerical analysis (I am and engineering major, after all...): Based on a $245.40 per credit hour charge for part-time students, 9 credit hours should total $2,208.60. However, anyone taking more than 8 credit hours is charged $3,423.00 (this is all in-state tuition). That's a differece of about $1,200. I know most people just have that falling out of their back pockets, but I sure don't. I guess the message is if you don't fit our narrow definition of what a “full-time” student is, you can kiss our ass. Which, frankly, pisses me off.

    I have half a mind to make an appointment with Jischke and give him my 2¢ worth.

    Saturday, August 12, 2006

    A tree

    A tree
    Originally uploaded by bloggingpurdue.

    From inside of Forney


    Originally uploaded by bloggingpurdue.

    This chipmunk isn't any happier about school starting back up....

    Squirrel Action

    Squirrel Action
    Originally uploaded by bloggingpurdue.

    The squirrels are enjoying their last few days of peace and quiet before Fall 2006 begins.

    BGR Band

    BGR Band
    Originally uploaded by bloggingpurdue.

    BGR was getting in full swing and it looks like the band was having some sort orientation. These guys were all answering in unison to the group of guys in front "Yes, sir, we will sir" and other things like that. I'm sure plenty of hazing followed this...

    A few more needed

    I’m still looking for a few more posters- possibly a couple of new students, an athlete or two, some people that are in various organizations (band, clubs, etc.) and maybe a person or two that is new to the U.S and some more photo bloggers. There are several people that I'm waiting on responses from, one of whom is involved with the BGR going on right now.

    It was nice seeing campus alive again. I'm not really crazy about classes starting but at least there will be something to do around here, once again. I missed out on the free food over at Follet's this evening because I was too early and then too late when I went back. There was a wedding going on over in Hort park and it looked like the band had something going on over at the Music Hall.

    Picture overload coming later tonight.

    Thursday, August 10, 2006

    Tips for freshmen

    Tips for freshmen at Purdue:
    1. Go to class, it’s only four or five years out of your life and if you go to all of your classes, it will make it much easier to succeed in college. Plus, it is good practice for when you get out of school and have a job.

    2. Study ahead. Read ahead. A little preparation can save you a ton of headaches and stress later on in the semester. Don’t procrastinate and your grades will be a lot better.

    3. Don’t get too happy about the “great” food in the dining halls because you will soon be tired of it- and have packed on some extra weight. Eat your normal amounts and try to keep a variety in your diet so you don’t end up wasting all of your money on dining out after you do get tired of the campus food.

    4. Don’t do all-nighters. They shouldn’t be necessary if you remember rules 1 and 2. And, all-nighters are really bad for you, in every way.

    5. Have some fun… but not too much. If you don’t have any fun, school is going to suck and be boring, lonely, and depressing. If you have too much fun, you are going to end up spending extra years here, doing bad, ending up with a crappy job, becoming an alcoholic or a druggy- all kinds of bad stuff.

    6. Don’t get a piercing or a tattoo. You will have plenty of time for that stuff when you get older.

    7. Don’t suddenly think you are an adult and decide you are going to start having sex, getting drunk, getting high, smoking, etc. etc. Doing those things does not make someone an adult. Graduate college, get a job, find someone to love, by a house- then you can be an adult. Right now you should just concentrate on being a good student. Trust me. You will be happy you didn’t do all of that stupid stuff (I did all of that stuff before and it got me NO where!)

    8. Don’t annoy or disturb others during class- it’s just not cool and could actually hurt your grade. I know several instructors that definitely will lower grades without even telling you why. Others will take off some or all of your “participation” points and some will count you absent if you are acting stupid in class.

    9. Don’t be an idiot when you go to the computer lab. Treat it like a library and keep noise and disruptions to a minimum. A little common courtesy goes a long way.

    10. Take advantage of the free facilities at the RSC. That place rocks and you will be much happier and more successful if you get lots of exercise.

    There are probably hundreds of other tips for incoming freshman- but this is a quick list of the main points I could think of. Any other ideas??

    Some links

    Summer grades to be posted today???

    Boiler Gold Rush starts this weekend... school starting soon?

    Painting a new recruiting picture at Purdue MSNBC - Purdue coach Matt Painter reeled in four top-100 prospects from the class of 2007 in the last four weeks, all of which hail from Indiana

    Purdue conducts rocket research for NASA WEST LAFAYETTE, IN, United States (UPI) -- Purdue University engineers are conducting research to help NASA develop rockets more quickly and less expensively

    Injury threatens to end Okobi's careerYork Dispatch, PA - 18 hours ago... Okobi, 27, was a fifth-round draft pick by the Steelers in 2001 after playing center in front of current New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees at Purdue

    Old news: Purdue President Jischke to step down in 2007

    Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    I know there are hundreds of Purdue students and staff members that are blogging but I haven't been able to find a group blog anywhere and thought it was high time to get one started. I am always trying to blog about Purdue related things over on my blog, BloggingPurdue, but usually end up writing about myself and other things that aren't related to Purdue. So, I'm going to try to post all of my Purdue related items over here. BUT, I also intend to look for others to contribute to this blog to help keep it going.

    So, if you want to join, drop me a line at bloggingpurdue@yahoo.com and I'll get back to you. Include a link(s) to your blog(s) so I can check them out and include them in the links section over on the side (which I have not made yet). If you know of any blogs/Xanga sites/journals, etc. by Purdue people, send me a link so I can include that, too.

    I'm not sure how many people I'm going to limit it to. We'll have to see how busy it gets.

    I'm also going to start a Purdue Blog Ring, so let me know if you are interested in that.

    Some of the things that could possible be blogged about on this blog could be: Purdue basketball, football, baseball, concerts, music, ipod or ipods, games, sports, podcast, podcasts, college life, math, science, english, education, wikipedia, television, movies, Paris Hilton, NFL, Limewire, MySpace, Facebook, TheFacebook, Apple, Mac, Windows, Microsoft, Bill Gates, Orville Redenbacher, Neil Armstrong and any of a number of other things.

    Purdue Blogs

    Always growing list of Purdue related blogs can be found HERE